6. Meet the Transplant Team

Part of the evaluation process is to meet with all specialists in our transplant team for consults. They will evaluate you independently to make sure you're a viable kidney recipient in their respective fields. The consults will consist of reviewing your test results, and interviewing you to see if any of your activities raises concerns.



This specialist focuses on kidney function, its diseases, and replacement therapies (namely, dialysis and transplantation). They will evaluate the severity of your kidney disease, and provide you with treatment options, as not all kidney diseases require transplantation.


This is a medical practitioner qualified to perform surgery. He or she will study scans of your kidney's anatomy, to determine the safest way to perform the operation. After surgery, the surgeon may also conduct follow-up procedures, should an emergency arise.

Transplant Coordinator

This is a nurse who oversees your evaluations and coordinates your care with other members of the team. She’ll help you schedule appointments, although you’ll also need to take the lead with some of the tests. He or she will be your point-of-contact throughout most of the trasplant process.

Infectious Disease Specialist

A medical expert who is qualified in diagnosis and treatment of infections. Their job is to determine if you have an infection before surgery, and to help diagnose and treat possible infections after surgery. He or she will teach you how to look for signs of infection, and how to avoid contracting one since your medications will leave your immune system vulnerable.

Social Worker

Will discuss with you any psychosocial issues that may be important to the success of receiving a transplanted kidney. They’ll help us determine if you're capable of complying with transplant requirements so we may ensure that receiving a kidney is right for you. They may also counsel you in the event of stress, anxiety, guilt, or otherwise.


This individual’s role is to provide you with medications that will help you with the recovery process after surgery. Some of them may include painkillers, laxatives, stool softeners, and antibiotics in case of infection. He or she will also educate you on the anti-rejection medications you'll be taking for the rest of your life.


The dietician will interview you on your eating habits to determine if you need to alter your diet before receiving a transplant. He or she will also inform you of foods to stay away from after surgery, such as grapefruit, since it will counteract the effects of your medications.

Financial Coordinator

This specialist will assess the state of your insurance coverage, and develop a custom plan to cover as many medical expenses as possible. They will also provide you with alternative financial options, in case your insurance company doesn’t cover all expenses.