Why Choose Lahey?

Find out what makes Lahey a great decision when choosing us as your liver transplant center.


At Lahey Hospital, we have a strong foundation for excellence in liver transplantation. Chief of Surgery, Roger L. Jenkins, MD, FACS, performed New England's first successful liver transplant in July 1983. Our transplant team also performed the first domino transplant in the United States for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (fap) in 1992, and has since maintained one of the highest volumes of such surgeries nationally.

Under the direction of Elizabeth A. Pomfret, MD, PhD, FACS, our team performed the first live donor adult liver transplant (LDALT) in New England. Lahey's LDALT program is the largest in the country, with more than 200 surgeries performed to date. In fall 2005, our LDALT program became one of the first in the country to receive accreditation from the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). In addition, our combined team of liver and kidney transplant surgeons performed the nation's first combined live donor liver, live donor kidney transplant in 1999.


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