12. Available Liver Is Found

All those months of waiting and preparing have paid off! A deceased liver has finally become available for you. Here is how you should prepare for that moment, and what to do after you receive the phone call.


It is impossible to predict when a liver will become available, so we recommend that you are always prepared for when the time comes. An overnight bag should always be at the ready with clothes and items that might be needed at the hospital to ensure a quick arrival to the transplant center. Leave valuables at home, such as jewelry. We also suggest that the recipient has arranged a transportation plan with friends or family if necessary.

The Phone Call

One of the most exciting calls you can receive while on the wait-list is when the hospital tells you that a liver has become available. This call can come in at any time of the day and any day of the week, so it is important for you to remain reachable at all times, whether you are at work, at home, or even on vacation. We recommend you give Lahey phone numbers of close friends and family as well, in case you can’t be reached directly. Lahey has 60 minutes to get ahold of you before the liver is made available to the next person on the list.

You will be asked to stop eating in preparation for the transplant.

Travel to Hospital

You’ll need to travel to Lahey as instructed by the surgeon, often you'll be requested to come immediately after the phone call. Deceased-donor livers can only survive without blood supply for as little as 12 hours, so the faster it is transplanted, the higher the likelihood of success. If you cannot arrive at Lahey within 4-6 hours of us calling you, the liver will be offered to the next candidate on the list. If this happens, your position on the list won’t be affected.

False Alarms

There’s a 1 in 4 chance that the liver will be found unsuitable for transplantation when it arrives. This may be due to deterioration during transportation, or maybe it was found that it has a disease or infection. If this is the case, you’ll be sent home to wait for the next available liver. Your position on the list won’t be affected if this happens.