12. Refer your Donor to Lahey

If someone you know has shown interest in donating a kidney, ask them to contact us here at the Department of Transplantation by calling (781) 744-2500 so we may begin the donor application process. If you are currently on the wait-list, we strongly encourage you to ask your family or friends to make the life-changing decision to donate.

Donor Education

We want all potential donors to be well-informed of the commitment they're considering. With that in mind, you should ask him or her to visit our living kidney donor section to learn about the donation process, its benefits to the recipient, and potential risks.

If your donor decides that he or she is ready to begin the application process, they should start by taking the BREEZE Questionnaire, which will ask a few questions to determine whether they are a potential donor candidate. Once approved, we'll set up the first appointment.

Talking to a Potential Donor

Your potential donor should not be pressured to volunteer; we prefer for them to have an innate willingness to participate. We offer in-house counselors that can help your family or friends make the decision whether donation is right for them. The ideal candidate would be someone in good health, with a genuine interest, and of compatible blood type. If your donor is of an incompatible blood type, donation may still be possible through our paired kidney donation program.

Waiting for Donor Evaluations

You’ll need to continue your scheduled clinic visits and lab tests while waiting for the donor to go through their evaluation process. This may take a few months, depending on their availability, schedule, and the results from the evaluations. You’ll still be on the organ wait-list during this process; in case the donor is not approved, you would not have lost time waiting for their evaluations.