6. Donor Evaluations

Before being accepted as a donor, our team will need to conduct a rigorous set of medical and psychosocial evaluations to make sure that you are healthy enough to endure the physical stress of surgery and the recovery process.

Standard Exams

Every potential donor will need to go through the following exams. Completing all evaluations may take several weeks, so you should be aware that this process can be time-consuming.

Blood Tests

Blood will be drawn repeatedly to help our team determine several medical characteristics. These include your tissue type, blood type, liver function levels, and other health-related items. We’ll also check for certain infections, such as hepatitis, HIV, etc.

Chest X-Ray

Youl'll be connected to an assisted-breathing machine during surgery. This test will let us see if your lungs and windpipe are healthy enough to withstand the stresses they will need to endure.

CAT Scan

We’ll scan your abdomen, which will produce computerized images that allow us to look at the size, shape, and position of your liver, as well as its blood vessels and bile ducts.


Our technician will attach pads on your chest to measure your heart’s electrical output. This will let us know if you have an abnormal heart condition we should be aware of.


You’ll need to have a consult with each member of our multidisciplinary team to guarantee that no detail has gone unnoticed. Visit the section “Meet the Donor Team” to learn about the members you’ll meet.

Physical Examination

Our gastroenterologist, an expert in the assessment of potential liver donors, will perform a routine checkup. He or she will check your blood pressure, weight, habits that may affect your health, allergies, medications, and your medical and family history.

Tissue Matching

Our immune system works by destroying foreign bodies, and ignoring ones it recognizes. This recognition system occurs through six different proteins named ‘antigens’. We’ll draw blood and mix it with the blood of the recipient to determine the degree of compatibility.

Additional Exams

The following tests may be required depending on certain medical indications. Some tests are required based on your age, gender, or health condition.

Liver Biopsy

We’ll insert a needle into your liver, and remove a cross-section of it so we may look at your liver cell’s structure under a microscope. If a liver biopsy is required as a part of your evaluation, the procedure will be fully explained to you and a separate consent form will require your signature.

Age-Specific Health Screening

Depending on your age, and gender, you’ll be asked to follow up with your local general practitioner for routine health maintenance. This may include a pap-smear, mammogram, and colonoscopy. Based on your medical history and evaluation results, additional appointments may be ordered, such as pulmonary or infectious disease consults.


This is an ultrasound of the heart. If you’re over 50 years of age, we’ll need to look for normal heart function, and any problems with the heart’s valves. We’ll also conduct a stress test (running on a treadmill) to measure your heart during high output.

Psychosocial Assessment

Our hospital psychiatrist and independent donor advocate/social worker will conduct a psychological and social evaluation. They’ll help us understand your motivation for donation, coping skills, habits, and social supports so we may make certain you are mentally capable to go through the donation process.