No Reduced Kidney Function
Most people’s kidney function exceeds the needs of their bodies. This leaves excess capacity that allows for one of the kidneys to be removed and still lead a perfectly healthy life. Due to the rigorous donor screening process, if you are approved, it's because you're very unlikely to develop kidney disease in the future. If there are any suspected risks with the future of a donor’s kidney condition, our transplant evaluation committee will make the decision not to approve them. We cannot allow the donor's life to be put at risk for the benefit of the recipient.
Read the section that outlines the screening process for donors: 6. Donor Evaluations
Low Financial Burden
The donor pays $0 in medical bills. All donation-related costs are covered by the recipient’s insurance company. This includes evaluation exams, hospitalization, surgery, recovery, and donation-related follow-up care, such as clinical assessments and labs.
The only costs incurred by the donor are time spent missing work, lodging (if you’re not a local resident, and need to spend the night nearby) and transportation costs. We offer discounted transportation options in certain cities. Prescription medications after hospital discharge will not be covered by the recipient’s insurance, so if you are uninsured, our financial coordinator can assist with this hardship.
Read the section about donor costs: 3. Financial Details